
The inevitable trend of the development of modern building technology for steel structure fire protection

Source: Zhejiang Jinneng New Material Co., Ltd.Release time: 2021-07-16

In recent years, my country's steel structure construction has been greatly developed. However, the steel structure itself is low in fire resistance, and the fire resistance level cannot meet the specification requirements. Therefore, the steel structure fireproof coating provides a reliable guarantee for the fire safety of steel structure buildings. It is foreseeable that the technological development of China's steel structure fireproof coatings will move to the forefront of the world at a faster speed.

The "9.11" incident warned the world to attach importance to the fire protection of steel structures. While the "9.11 incident" shocked the world, it also gave people such a warning that it is imperative to attach importance to the fire protection of steel structures. Fire-resistant coatings for steel structures can ensure that the building can last for at least 3 hours in the event of a fire. It uses thermal insulation and refractory materials to block the flame to directly burn the steel structure, reduce the speed of heat transfer, and delay the time for the steel structure to heat up and weaken.

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